Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - December 13, 2018

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  The Christmas countdown is on.  Did you realize we are only 11 days away from the big day!?!  Oh my goodness - I'm not ready!!  I'm close enough to having everything done that I'm not in a complete panic, but far enough away that I really need to set up and pay attention. How about you?  How close are you to putting a wrap on the Christmas of 2018?

Today I'm thinking out loud about Christmas and I'm starting with a Christmas movie we saw recently that worth a watch.  I'm talking about The Christmas Chronicles on Netflix.  Have you seen it?  Here's the synopsis ~
The story of sister and brother, Kate and Teddy Pierce, whose Christmas Eve plan to catch Santa Claus on camera turns into an unexpected journey that most kids could only dream about.

I'm also thinking today how much fun it was to have a little one around the house this time of year.  I truly miss it!  When Ian was little, I would let him open one present on Christmas Eve and guess what was always inside - Christmas pajamas!  He would put them on and the pictures on Christmas morning would be adorable with him all decked out in his new pj's.  Amazon has some adorable sets.  Take a look at these ~
Family Feeling Little Girls Boys Long Sleeve Christmas Pajamas Sets 100% Cotton Pyjamas Toddler Kids Pjs Size 2T Red

Don't forget about the bedtime stories.  Nothing's quite as special as cuddling up at bedtime and reading a story.  Here's a few suggestions ~

Click HERE to purchase
Click HERE to purchase
Now I've got to get back to work wrapping and baking and doing all things Christmas!  What are you thinking out loud about today?  Feel free to link up and share your thoughts ~

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  1. My younger boys watched with my husband and I and we really enjoyed it! I just finished up my wrapping last night and other then two last gifts I'm waiting for I am all set for the season... good thing too as our celebrations start this weekend.

  2. I might have to check that out. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful Thursday.

  3. I always loved the matched PJs thing! My sister and brother got matching PJs for their kids and it was so cute to see all the cousins in the same ones at Christmas! We got so many cute pictures that year!!!!!

  4. Christmas chronicles was cute! As for little ones guess you'll need to ask Santa for grandkids ;)

  5. Awww, Christmas jammies are the best <3 I always love to see the little ones all decked out in their one pieces. So cute!

    Hope you are enjoying the season--I can't believe the Christmas countdown is really ON!!!

  6. I've never seen that movie before, but it looks interesting. I definitely need some holiday pajamas. That would make the rest of my year. :)
