Friday, February 15, 2019

Five on Friday - February 15, 2019

Hello friends!  It's Friday and we all know that means it's time for another Five on Friday.  So with no further ado, here they are ~

1.  National Random Acts of Kindness Day
Sunday is the day to spread some unexpected niceness because it's National Random Act of Kindness Day!  Need some ideas of things to do?  How about picking up some litter at your local park.  Pay for the person in front of you at a drive through.  Send some coloring books and crayons to a children's hospital or group home.  Leave some change at a vending machine.  Use your imagination -- there are hundreds of great acts of kindness!  Let Sunday be the day you do a few of them.
Last Friday, Meghan Trainor released her second EP called The Love Train and it's great!  Six of her love songs all wrapped together for 20 minutes of your listening pleasure.  One of the songs, Marry Me, was the tune she used while walking down the aisle in her recent wedding to Daryl Sabara.  Each song has a unique sound and I love them all!  Click HERE to download them for yourself.

                           I'M DOWN

3.  Super Soul Conversations
If you're not busy Saturday night at 8:00 pm Eastern time, you might want to tune in to Oprah's Super Soul Conversations from Times Square on OWN.  The lineup is pretty fantastic and includes Bradley Cooper!  Bradley talks about making his directorial debut with "A Star is Born" and reveals what all the accolades really mean to him.  Others she will be sitting down with include Michael B. Jordan, Beto O'Rourke, Melinda Gates and Lisa Borders.  

Image result for oprah winfrey conversation with bradley cooper

4.  Toy Story Ice Cream
You may have heard that Pixar's Toy Story 4 is coming out this summer.  To get us all ready Edy's has introduced two new flavors of ice cream which are hitting the stores any minute.  Keep you eye out for the Chocolate Peanut Butter Midway Mash-Up and Cinnamon Churro Carnival Combo flavors!  And if you have a kid's birthday party to plan and are thinking of using a Toy Story theme, these containers would fit in perfectly!

toy story 4 ice cream flavors pixar edy's

5.  Advice....

Image may contain: text, outdoor and nature

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the snow they are predicting doesn't amount to much because I'm hoping to head to Jefferson City tomorrow for some girlfriend time. Isn't it time for winter to be over?!? Hope you have a great weekend and I'll see you back here next week.

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  1. I love that you shared about RAK day! I really hope to put a little something together for my family to do since the weather is going to be nice this weekend. And I have not heard about this little love compilation...I love her and can't wait to listen!

  2. I ahven't seen a Toy Story since the first one, but I want to try that Cinnamon Churro Carnival Combo! Listening to Love Train now and LOVE it- thanks for sharing! Winter doesn't end here in NJ until late March. Last year I remember we actually had a snow day in APRIL! Hope the snow holds out for your fun weekend though!

  3. LOL yes on the running one, that is so true for sure! And the Toy Story ice cream looks too cute!

  4. Well I really hope the weather does not mess up your plans!

  5. Just wait, come summer we will want cold!

  6. Yes. It most certainly is time for winter to be over and she can see herself out annnnny time. 😊

    Also those ice cream flavors sound amazing. Hope you don’t get slammed with too much snow this weekend! Xo

  7. Super Soul looks interesting, I’ll have to check that out.
    I’ve seen that running meme before and cracked right up. Me too, if I’m ever running, RUN, because I’m likely running FROM something or someone. Lolol!

    Hope your week has been good, Penny! :)
