Monday, February 18, 2019

Weekending - February 17, 2019

Hello Monday!  I know some of you are enjoying the holiday today, but it's back to work for me.  This weekend was definitely blog worthy!  Here's how it went down ~

Eric sent me the most gorgeous roses for Valentine's Day and I enjoyed looking at them on my desk at work so much!  The deep pink color was just beautiful and the smell definitely put a smile on my face.

Just as predicted, Friday afternoon the snow began to fall and getting home from work was a challenge.  After a stressful drive home for both Eric and I, we hung out of the couch and caught up on The Bachelor.  I swear, I have no idea why we keep watching that train wreck.  But we do, so if you need to know anything about Colton, just ask.

Remember back in January when I talked about my 2019 goals (HERE)?  Well, Saturday morning I checked off one item - I took a photography class.  It was a basic get to know your camera class, but was definitely worth the two hours of my life.  Now I'm anxious to take the next level class.

The moment the class ended, I hopped in my car and raced to Jefferson City to meet up with three of my sorority sisters.  We were meeting at my friend Donna's house.  Our friend Terri had traveled in from Seattle and Linda had driven from Kansas City.  The four of us were excited to catch up and have some girl time together!  Donna was a gracious hostess and had the cutest goody bags waiting for us upon arrival.

We had some lunch and then headed out to visit a few of her favorite stores around Jefferson City.  Our first stop, The Schaefer House, was full of adorable items and I could have spent hours just browsing their inventory.  I did walk away with a couple cute Norma Fleming minis to go with the platter I received for Christmas.  I can't wait to reveal those to you in a future post!  If you are anywhere near the Jeff City area, stopping at the Schaefer House should be on your list of things to do! 

Next we ventured to the South Bank Gift Company.  What really caught my eye in this store was their selection of chalk and milk paints.  I've been wanting to paint an old dresser I have in my closet and seeing their selection of colors lit a fire in my belly.  But don't think paint is the only thing they have in this store - it is full of unique gifts, cards, jewelry and so much more!


We hit up the Hallmark store located across the street from South Back Gift Company before loading up in the car again.  Donna gave us a quick little tour of the town and we stopped in front of the Governor's Mansion for a selfie to commemorate us being together.

We wrapped up the evening with games and wine.  Donna and Terri had made the best soup earlier in the day and it was waiting for us in the Crockpot when we got back to Donna's house.  She shared the recipe with me and I'll have to share it with you because it was delicious.  As a bonus, it was also healthy!

Most of the evening was spent playing Splendor.  If you're looking for a new family friendly game, look no further!  It's available HERE.  This game is for 2-4 players, ages 10 and up.  It takes approximately 30 minutes to play a game.  We took a bit longer per game because we were so busy chatting!

Oh - and there was cake!!  The evening was made even more special when Donna whipped out a couple cakes she purchased from AC Mini Cakes located in Columbia, Missouri.  I'll let this picture speak for itself.  Yes, the cake tasted as delicious as it looks!

Sunday morning we woke up and headed straight to the dining room table to play more Splendor while enjoying fabulous home made cinnamon rolls from another local Jeff City store called Amie B. and The Orchid Emporium.  The beautiful thing, besides the taste, of these rolls is a portion of the proceeds benefits a women's ministry.

Since I had spent most of the weekend away from home, Eric was a real trooper and took the Amtrak train to Jefferson City on Sunday morning so we could spend a little time together on the drive home.  Before leaving town, we all went to Mel's Country Cafe for lunch.  Delicious!

On the way home, we stopped at my parents for a bit.  Our great nephew was also paying them a visit so we got to see him as well.  This little guy is just the cutest!

Monday morning came way too fast!  We have a busy week ahead so I'm sure it will fly by.  I'm looking forward to my friend Linda visiting me next weekend so we can enjoy the Oscars together.  Hope your Monday is off to a great start!  See you soon!


  1. Your flowers are beautiful!!! So lovely!!! And what an amazing weekend! That's, friends, shopping, cake and an adorable great nephew!!!! Awesome!

  2. Such a fun time with your sorority sisters! I hate driving in the snow. I have no idea why I live in Michigan. Gorgeous flowers!

  3. That sounds like such a wonderful weekend!!

  4. What a fabulous girls' weekend! Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  5. Jeff City has so many cute stores and whatnot. You should really visit at Christmas, their living windows are amazing!

  6. That cake looks delicious and those flowers are very pretty.
