Friday, November 8, 2019

Five on Friday - November 8, 2019

Happy Friday friends!  Holy smokes - this week has flown by!  I'm so looking forward to have a few days to get caught up.  And I know it's a lot to think about, but I'm dreaming of actually getting a bit ahead!  Before I hop into my to-do list, here's my five for this week~

1.  Aldi's Cheese Advent Calendar
I'm making a trip to Aldi's this weekend to pick up their cheese advent calendar that hit the shelves on Wednesday.  For $15, this giant festive box has 24 mini pieces of cheese hidden behind a paper doll.  Be surprised each day as you open the "sweet and strong cheddar cheese", "sweet, nutty, and rich red Leicester cheese", and "savory and mild Edam cheese".  Of all the advent calendars out there, this one is sounding pretty fantastic to me!

2.  Last Christmas
This weekend would be a good time to take a break from watching the Hallmark Christmas movies to see this holiday movie that opens today.  We've seen the previews and it looks cute.  Here's the synopsis from Fandango: A woman who works as a department store elf finds romance with a charming suitor.


Check out these stoneware bowls I ran across on Amazon.  They would be perfect for chips and dip, soup and crackers, chili and cornbread - so many things!  The description says the color would be cream and red.  You get two bowls for the low price of $24.95!  Definitely on my wish list.  Next Tuesday, I'm participating in a soup link up party.  How great would these be to have on hand to hold all the new recipes we can collect!


It came to my attention recently that not everyone has a streamer.  If you are one of those who don't, what are you waiting for?!?  We use our almost daily instead of ironing.  It heats up quickly and removes wrinkles as you glide the steamer over your clothes.  I was sick of ruining my clothes with the iron.  This steamer was the answer!  It's also great to slip in your suitcase when you're traveling.  They also makes great gifts!  

5.  Binge watching....

Have a great weekend.  I'm going to tackle a million things around the house and finish reading my current book (Olive, Again).  There are Halloween decorations to put away and Thanksgiving decorations to go up.  I need to pick the soup recipe I'll be sharing on next week's link up.  And I still haven't switched my summer and winter clothes around.  Oh boy - I'm going to be busy!  I better get busy!

Linking up with:
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  1. I can't wait to see Last Christmas! Have a great weekend, Penny.

  2. I'm waiting to see Last Christmas as well. I LOVE the soup bowls. I am a soup maker no matter what the season and I love interesting serving pieces.. thanks

  3. The advent calendar sounds so nice and I like the bowls too.

  4. I love those bowls; they'd work perfect for soup and crackers.

  5. I got a chocolate calendar from Aldi's but didn't see any of the big ones. I'm curious how it is!

  6. I want an Aldi's. And a Trader Joe's. Going to say it every time I read about something wonderful one of those stores has. Someday maybe we will finally get one.

    Love the soup bowls!! I am pinning and adding to my wish list. Thanks for mentioning the soup recipe swap!

  7. Were there any cheese advent calendars left when you got there?!? I hope so! I snagged a cheese one and the higher-quality chocolate one. Now the question is, will I wait until Advent to begin eating the cheese/chocolate?!? Who knows!
