Monday, November 11, 2019

Weekending - November 8, 2019

Welcome to Monday!  Winter came along with Monday morning here in the St. Louis area.  After an absolutely gorgeous fall day yesterday, this morning we are getting snow and the temperature has fallen to a crisp 33 degrees.  I have a feeling this winter is going to be a doozy!

First order of business today - thanks to all our service men and women.  Your job is so important.  Hope you feel very appreciated today and every day!

Let's take a look back to the warmer weekend ~

Friday night was so low key and wonderful!  We picked up Chipotle for dinner and totally chilled in front of the TV.  I finished reading Olive, Again (review coming soon) and started watching a new series on Hulu - Four Weddings and a Funeral.  Have you seen it?  So cute!  It was 10 episodes of goodness and kept me entertained this weekend.

Olive, Again (Oprah's Book Club): A Novel by [Strout, Elizabeth]
Available HERE

Saturday morning Eric had to work so I was home alone.  I decided to play some Bon Jovi really loud and conquer cleaning out the pantry.  What a job that turned into!  It was on my list of things to do before the holidays started, but geez, I really wasn't thinking it was going to be an 8 hour endeavor.  Thank heavens it's done and now I'm ready to move into the season of entertaining with only food that is not expired.  Ha!

While half the neighborhood was putting up their Christmas ornaments, I was happy arranging our Thanksgiving decorations.  I'm hosting a dinner with a few neighborhood girlfriends on Wednesday night so I didn't want to skip bringing out the Thanksgiving cheer.

This time of year hosts the most beautiful sunsets!  Saturday night I was able to capture this one (photo unfiltered).

Decorating for Thanksgiving bled into Sunday and I can happily report I'm done!  Thanksgiving is truly one of my favorite holidays so I know having the feeling of the holiday wrapped around me when I'm at home will put a smile on my face for the entire month.

This is going to be a busy week on the blog.  Tomorrow I'm taking part in a Soup Swap.  Be sure to stop by and see what soup I'm sharing and check out all the other links to people's favorites.  I'll be sharing more of the Thanksgiving decorations on Thursday, along with a couple other Thanksgiving tips. Five I'll be here with my usual Five on Friday. 

Have a great week and see you soon!


  1. Such cute decorations! I ahve that book on my to-read list, my reviews of books are coming out tomorrow. (if you ever need book ideas, you need to join the linkup tomorrow - your to-read list will grow grow grow)

  2. What a beautiful sunset! I love all your adorable decorations.
