Friday, January 3, 2020

Five on Friday - January 3, 2020

Happy First Friday of the new decade!  So glad you decided to pop in today.  Each Friday I like to share five things that you might not have heard of - things that can make your life just a bit happier.  Here's the five for today ~

1.  Give Back Box
Now that the holidays are behind us, do you find you have a mountain of boxes?  Turn them into a donation!  Visit to print your postage-paid shipping label.  Fill your empty box with clothes or household items you would like to donate and send it on its' way.  Just like that you're helping others and helping the environment by keeping things out of landfills.  For a small fee, you can even choose the charity the box will help.

If you read my yearly goals for 2020 post, you know continuing my personal development is on the list.  One of the ways I intend to do this is by reading a daily devotional.  This is nothing new - I've done it for years.  It's a quick read I do before my feet hit the ground in the morning and is a great way to start the day with intention.  Want to join me?  Click HERE to download your copy!

Magic Eraser changed my life.  (Okay, that might be a little dramatic.) But seriously, they are pretty amazing at cleaning all kinds of things.  Now they have Magic Eraser sheets!  I'm so excited to have the power of the Magic Eraser in this thin and flexible sheet.  Cleaning the stovetop, microwave and faucets just got a whole lot easier!  You're going to want these in your house!  Click HERE to get a supply from Amazon.

4.  Sushi Go!
For New Year's, I traveled to Kansas City like a do every year to spend a couple days playing games with friends.  It's always a great time and almost every year I return home with the knowledge of how to play a couple new games.  One of them this year was Sushi Go!  Amazon describes it this way, "In this fast-playing card game, the goal is to grab the best combination of sushi dishes as they whiz by. Score points for making the most maki rolls or for collecting a full set of sashimi. Dip your favorite nigiri in wasabi to triple its value. But be sure to leave room for dessert or else you’ll eat into your score! Gather the most points and consider yourself the sushi master!"  It's a fun game for the entire family.  

5.  New Year's Resolutions.....

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!  I'm planning to enjoy my last few days off before heading back to work on Monday.  Eric is off today and we're planning to see the Star Wars movie.  Are we the last people on Earth to see it?  Tonight we have game night and tomorrow we're meeting friends for a late lunch before going to see another friend who plays in a band.  Lots of fun times ahead!  Pop back in on Monday to read all about it.

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  1. Those give back boxes sound great! Especially since I do so much cleaning in January too; however we do need our boxes this year as we're using them to pack up the boys' rooms so we can replace flooring. My boys and husband are going this weekend to see Star Wars; they have tried a few times in the past but with an almost three hour movie they've been holding out for the theater with reclining seats!

  2. I love the idea of those give back boxes! I have to look into that because there is so much we could donate. I feel the same way about magic eraser! Seriously, it has done wonders. I have to look into those sheets!

  3. I enjoy reading your Five on Friday! I learned 2 more things this time ~ the give back boxes and mr clean sheets. Also, thanks for letting me share #1 on Friday Favorites. :)
