Monday, January 6, 2020

Weekending(ish) - January 3, 2020

Hello there!  I'm back at work today for the first time since the holidays and, like many of you, I'm facing Monday with mixed emotions.  I loved having some time off, but deep down I'm ready to get back into my routine.  These last couple of weeks have been fantastic.  Here are some highlights ~

On December 29, I coordinated the last wedding of the year for me.  It was beautiful!  Erica of Turner Creative captured the event with her photography excellence and shared this teaser ~

Image may contain: 2 people, wedding and outdoor

I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures and share them with you!  

The day following the wedding, I headed to Kansas City to spend New Year's Eve with my friends on that side of the state.  We squeezed in a book club meeting over dinner on the 30th.  The selection was Educated.  Have you read it?  If not, I highly recommend you putting it on your TBR list.

We started playing games mid-day on the 31st and played well past the ball dropping.  I feel so blessed to have this group of friends in my life and look forward to each time we get together.  I learned a few new games and will be sharing them in future posts.  

New Year's Day I drove home to get ready for our monthly gathering of the gals in the neighborhood which was happening on Thursday.  Believe it or not, I didn't snap a single picture of the event.  #bloggerfail.  We'll be gathering again in February, so I'll try to remember to snap a few then.  This is something new we're doing and I'm so excited to be able to host it at our home.  A few months back I realized I hadn't really talked to my neighbor friends in a while so I invited them over for dinner.  We enjoyed it so much we decided to make it a monthly event.  Everyone brings an appetizer and I provide the drinks.  Super easy and tons of fun!  

Can I take a second here to talk about neighbors?  I'm from a small town.  Growing up we had drop-in visitors and neighbors took care of neighbors.  Half the time when I'm leaving our neighborhood you pass people and they don't even give you a wave back.  People - let's be friendly to our neighbors!  I'm going to work on being the friendliest neighbor you've ever seen.  Want to join me?  It will be just a small way we can make the world just a little bit better.

Friday we enjoyed game night at our son and daughter-in-law's house.  We had a surprise guest - our daughter-in-law's sister brought their new baby!  Oh my goodness - he's adorable!  Needless to say, I kept him in my arms as much as possible!

Saturday Eric and I met up with friends for lunch at one of our favorite spots - The Fountain on Locust.  We've been watching their daughter grow up since the day she entered this world and she's growing up to be so beautiful, both inside and out.  It was fun catching up with them!

Lunch was topped off with their famous smallest hot fudge sundae in the world.

The enjoyment continued into the evening by going to a club to listen to a friend of Eric's music.  It was a fun night hanging out with some of his coworkers.

With one more day off work, we spent the day going to church, taking down some of the Christmas decorations, checking out a microbrew place and watching the Golden Globes.  All my grandiose ideas of cleaning out closets and drawers during my break didn't happen, but I'll give myself a pass.  It was a glorious break and now I'll get down to business come tomorrow.  :)


  1. I need a dose of your enthusiasm for good-neighboring!
    That's definitely a growth point for me.

  2. What a great neighbor you are! I read Educated in the late summer/ early fall and don't think I have stopped talking about it since.

  3. You are a great neighbor, and I wish you lived around the corner from me! My neighbors are friendly, but don't socialize much with each other. Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  4. I read Educated last Summer. I enjoyed it. I think everyone should read it.
    I try to be a good neighbor. I live on a dead end street with only two of them and we get a long great and talk to each other. :)
