Thursday, January 30, 2020

Five on Friday - January 31, 2020

Happy Friday!  Are you ready for some football?  I can't wait for the big game on Sunday.  Keeping my fingers crossed that the Chiefs can pull off a big win.  Here are some other things I'm excited about today ~

1.  Pretzel Pop-Tarts
Guess what's going in my shopping cart this weekend - the new Pretzel Pop-Tarts!  You can get them with cinnamon sugar or chocolate filling.  Pop-tarts aren't just for breakfast anymore!  The salt-flaked, pretzel-inspired crust sounds like a wonderful afternoon snack.  Have you tried them yet?

2.  Break Shot - My First 21 Years
Being a huge James Taylor fan, I'm pumped to listen to his free for Audible members book that releases today.  Here's the summary from Amazon ~
"I'm James Taylor, and I'm a professional autobiographer." So begins the tender audio memoir Break Shot: My First 21 Years. Through decades of songs by the celebrated folk legend who brought us "Fire and Rain" and "Carolina in My Mind", James Taylor has doled out details of his life in the poetry of his work. Taylor says his early life is "the source of many of my songs", and Break Shot is a tour of his first 21 years in rich, new detail. Combining storytelling, music and performance, this one-of-a-kind listening experience also features a crop of musical gems, including an unreleased recording of the beloved hymn "Jerusalem" and selections from his newest release, American Standard, as well as new original scoring by Taylor specially recorded for Break Shot and more.
Recorded in his home studio, TheBarn in western Massachusetts, Break Shot tells the deeply personal story of Taylor's youth, which is entwined with the story of his family. What started as an idyllic tight unit soon became a family sent to different emotional corners - like a break shot in the game of pool, he says, "when you slam the cue ball into the 15 other balls and they all go flying off".
By the time Taylor released his breakout second album in 1970, Sweet Baby James, he had seen the disintegration of his parents' marriage and his family crumble in the aftermath. He had committed himself twice to a psychiatric hospital, battled depression and a heroin addiction, suffered a relapse, and traveled far away from the "wood smoke and moonshine" of the North Carolina landscapes in which he came of age. Despite it all, he was also on the cusp of superstardom and on his way to bringing light and joy to millions. He was 21.
In this Audible Original, Taylor lays bare the emotional turmoil he and his family fought through when he was first finding his musical path. At last, he creates an audio memoir illuminating the tenuous first act of a life he's spent decades learning to fully live. Journey with James Taylor to a time before he became a Grammy Award-winning Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and Songwriters Hall of Fame inductee and a recipient of the Kennedy Center Honors and both the Presidential Medal of Freedom and the National Medal of Arts, as well as one of the best-selling musicians of all time.

3.  Miss Americana
Netflix is making a splash this weekend with the release of its documentary on Taylor Swift.  Rotten Tomato sums it up like this:  "Miss Americana is a raw and emotionally revealing look at one of the most iconic artists of our time during a transformational period in her life as she learns to embrace her role not only as a songwriter and performer, but as a woman harnessing the full power of her voice."  It's going on my list of things I want to see.

4.  Groundhog's Day
All eyes will be on Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania Sunday to see if the groundhog will see his shadow.  Rumor has it if he sees his shadow, there will be six more weeks of winter.  If he doesn't see his shadow, the prediction is spring is just around the corner.  Please, please, please Mr. Groundhog - for goodness sake don't see your shadow!!  Can you believe this ritual has been going on since 1841.  Wonder what the record is for this way of predicting the weather being accurate?


5.  Best decision....

Image may contain: possible text that says 'A DECISION WAS MADE HERE.'

I hope you have a great weekend.  What's on your agenda?  We have a 50th wedding anniversary party to go to and a birthday party for my 4-year old great-nephew.  Fun times!  And I'm also excited to watch the football game on Sunday and see all the new commercials.  Pop in next week for the recap.

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  1. That Netflix documentary sounds like something I'd really enjoy. I just watched Betty White's this week and loved it.

  2. You come up with the most clever ideas for your Friday posts...I love it!

  3. Living in the San Francisco area. I must say Go 49ers.

  4. Go Chiefs! It's going to be an amazing game!

  5. James Taylor is a great artist. I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, but I still want to watch the documentary. It's so sad that her mom was recently diagnosed with brain cancer. Just awful. Good luck to your team tonight!
