Monday, February 3, 2020

Weekending - January 31, 2020

Happy Monday!  Here we are at the beginning of a new month.  Who's ready to show February what we've got?  Before I start thinking too much about the month ahead, let me do a quick recap of the weekend ~

Friday night Eric and I had a date night.  I left work a bit early and we went to see a movie the minute I got home.  Nothing quite like jumping right into the weekend as soon as possible!  The Gentlemen was on both our lists so that's what we decided to see.  Have you seen it?  A lot is going on in this film.  The opening scene really had me intrigued, but shortly after that I kind of lost interest.  It was an okay movie, but definitely not one I'll be hoping to ever see again.


We decided to drive through Popeye's Chicken and get one of their chicken sandwiches everyone has been raving over.  Believe the hype - it was delicious!  Just thinking about it makes me want to go get another one.  

Saturday flew by.  Eric worked in the morning and I tried to conquer my to-do list.  Every week I start a list of random things I want to get done and then over the weekend try to accomplish them.  The list is always too long and I never get it totally complete, but each week I try.  One of the items on the list was to update my message board that hangs upstairs.  This sucker took WAAAAYYY longer than it should have to complete, but I do love the results!

Saturday evening we attended friends of our's 50th wedding anniversary party.  It was so much fun!  The anniversary couple, Janet and Dan, were surrounded by their four children as they welcomed their guests and partied the night away.  We ate great food, danced and caught up with friends we hadn't seen in a while.  Good times!

The next morning we rose early to head to my home town to help our great-nephew celebrate turning four at his Hot Wheels party.  


His mom had the cutest activity for the kids - she had gotten wooden cars from Oriental Trading and the kids got to decorate them.  She even had a racing track for their cars to compete!  

I couldn't resist using my Silhouette to decorate his gift.  This was another thing on my list that might have taken a bit longer than I thought it would.  But the result was worth it!

The weather was absolutely gorgeous on Sunday.  As soon as the presents were opened, the kids couldn't wait to head outside and play.  Nothing quite like some mud puddles to make playing outside perfect with your new toys!

We left the birthday party in time to get home and settle in to watch the Super Bowl.  Way to go Chiefs!  What an exciting game.  And this is why you shouldn't party too soon:

Image may contain: one or more people

Hope your week is off to a wonderful start.  The temperature is great again today here, but then we are supposed to get snow on Wednesday.  Thank goodness the prediction from the groundhog is an early spring!


  1. Super cute cake!!! Okay - you have convinced me that I have to try Popeyes. Last time i was near one I went through the drive thru and they were out of chicken. I left with just a coke. The picture you posted looks delicious!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! What a cute birthday cake!

  3. What a great weekend. I hadn't seen that football photo funny (if you're a Chiefs fan!) Thanks for linking up with Hello Monday! Tanya - The Other Side of the Road

  4. What a fun weekend! Your board turned out great.
