Friday, March 13, 2020

Five on Friday - March 13, 2020

Happy Friday!  This week has been a whirlwind of cancellations with the threat of coronavirus all around us.  I'm so sad that we won't be watching the NCAA tournament live and in person.  The Pearl Jam concert in St. Louis has been postponed.  And you know it's getting real when Ben & Jerry's postpones their free cone day!  I'm dedicating my five today on things you can do inside your house, by yourself or with the fam.  Hopefully, this thing will be under control soon, but if not at least you'll be ready to spend a little time enjoying life safe from inside of your home.

1.  Jigsaw Puzzles
Eric and I actually started a puzzle this year.  It's strung out on the kitchen table and we've enjoyed stopping on our way by to find a piece or two.  I actually find sitting down and working on it to be quite relaxing.  Working on a puzzle is a great way to sharpen your brain because you work both the left (the logic side) and the right (the creative side) parts.  It's also said that working on puzzles can improve your memory.  So stock up friends!

2.  Quixx Game
This game is so much fun!  The group of gals I have lunch with at work every day has started playing this and it's such a nice break.  A game is fairly quick (15 minutes or so) and we usually have time for one game before heading back to our desks.  It would be a great game to add to family game night!  It's also very easy to throw in the suitcase on a trip.

Also available at Target (click HERE)
3.  Craft Kits
Keeping the kiddos occupied while staying in the house can be a bit challenging.  Having a few craft kits on hand could prove to be very wise.  And if they're not needed, you could always pop them in their Easter baskets! 

4.  Paint By Number
Remember doing those paint by number pictures as a kid?  Well, they've come a long way!  Some of the ones available now are downright gorgeous!  


5.  Streaming
And if all else fails, there's always entire series of shows you can binge on Netflix!  I wonder if Netflix is prepared for the massive about of people who will be streaming all at the same time?  Let's hope so!  


In all seriousness, be safe out there.  This situation is changing by the minute and I for one am praying that the whole thing is over soon.  As I write this, my plans for Friday night are still intact.  Me and a friend from work are planning to go see Bachelor Live on Stage. (UPDATE:  Bachelor Live on Stage has been postponed.)  Then tomorrow night Eric and I have a church gathering to attend.  Pop in next week to see how it went.  

Linking up with:


  1. We love puzzles and I hope Netflix and Hulu are well prepared... Hulu has a new show premiering in just a few days I really want to see: Little Fires Everywhere with Reece Witherspoon. I just finished the book last week and can't wait to see it on the screen.

  2. I hope your church thing goes on. Ours has been stopped. We had blues tix tonight too...all stopped!
