Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Weekending - March 13, 2020

Hey guys!  The world is looking and feeling a bit different these days.  Everything I had planned for the weekend was tossed out.  Here's how it ended up going down ~

Friday night Eric and I decided to risk the social distancing and go see a movie.  We saw The Way Back.  Have you seen it?  It was a touching story and a fun date night.  I was supposed to see Bachelor Live on Stage with a friend, but it was postponed.  Seeing a movie with Eric was a great second option.  And Friday night was the last time I left the house all weekend long!

Eric had to work on Saturday.  He works in the grocery industry so you can imagine what his world has been like.  He stayed late and I didn't even bother taking a shower.  Our internet was out Saturday morning and after a brief hyperventilating moment, I realized I didn't need the internet to read a book.  I finished the library monthly book club book, The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek.  I'll be doing a complete review of it in the future, but let me just say - put it on your list.  It's good and really enlightened me to a part of history I was totally unaware of.  


The internet was back by the afternoon and I polished off the rest of Grace and Frankie Season 6.  I love that show!  If you haven't seen it, give it a try.  It's very binge-worthy.

We were supposed to have a church small group gathering Saturday night, but it was canceled.  We hung out at home and watched more television.  

Sunday church was online only.  As we were laying in bed, drinking coffee and watching the service Eric got a call asking him to come back into work.  

When church was over, I came to the realization that I couldn't just lay around for another day, so I got up, showered and prepared to be productive.  A while back, we had been working on a puzzle but put it away when we had company coming.  I dug it back out and it's now covering our kitchen table.  It's amazing how relaxing it is to comb through the pieces and see the image come together.

This is what all those 2000 pieces are going to look like when we're finished.  When we're done with this one, I have another one waiting to do.  

Hope you are managing in these different times.  I'm planning to continue to put out content and keep a sense of normalcy.  I'm also going to be supporting small businesses as much as possible.  What are some things you're doing to stay sane?


  1. Are you out of work yet? This is crazy!

  2. Yeah the grocery industry is going nuts trying to keep up right now... bless your poor hubby! We ventured out this weekend too but with everything shut down and canceled the only times we leave the house now is for hiking.
