Friday, April 24, 2020

Five on Friday - April 24, 2020

It's Friday again!  And you know what that means - it's time for Five on Friday ~

1.  PlayOn Fest
This was going to be an epic spring of concerts for us.  I had tickets for Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Bon Jovi - all are either canceled or postponed.  But this weekend the music will be flowing for 72 straight hours!  The three-day festival will live stream previous performances from all kinds of fantastic artists.  The performances are from festivals and concerts like Coachella, Lollapalooza, Sydney Opera House and Apollo Theater.  I'm particularly pumped to see Ed Sheeran from his stadium show at Austin City Limits!  All this kicks off Friday at noon Eastern time on

Know a tea lover who could use a little pick me up about now?  Check out the Sips by tea boxes.  For $15 you can send a box of tea to a friend (or yourself!).  They have several different themes such as Immune-Boosting, Sleep, Mood-Boosting, Energizing, PositiviTEA, Rainy Day or I Love You More.  Each box is packed with enough tea to make 15 cups and comes with disposable tea filters.  If you're looking for a birthday or Mother's Day gift, you can also get subscriptions for boxes to arrive every month.  Click HERE to check it out!

3.  L'Oreal Magic Root Precision Pen
Before Pandemic 2020 started, I picked up one of these Magic Root Precision Pens to help with my grays between getting my hair colored.  I'm so thankful I have it now!  It temporarily covers your gray and you apply it to the precise area you need it.  It's available at Amazon HERE.  It will come in handy even after the salons reopen!

4.  Cayman Jack Margarita
Eric brought home a 6-pack of Cayman Jack Margaritas and I'm not sure they will make it through the weekend.  We each had one and they are delicious!  It tastes just like the ones you would order up at a restaurant.  Here's how they are described, "Cayman Jack Margarita is a refreshing, pre-made margarita that delivers a unique, sophisticated and hand-crafted experience. Made with 100% blue agave nectar, natural lime juice, and real cane sugar, Cayman Jack makes it easy to discover something unexpectedly great.".  Yum!

5.  What day is it.....

Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting and text

Hope you have a great weekend.  I'm hoping to get the garden ready for planting and maybe even put on my mask and go get some plants.  I'll be back next week to let you know what we ended up doing.

Linking up with:


  1. Fun stuff here! The tea box sounds great and even though I don't consume alcohol at this point in my life, those margaritas sound amazing!

  2. Thx for your five! Always great suggestions and fun things!

  3. Sips by tea are amazing boxes! I love that they have different blends for different purposes. I have not heard of the Cayman Jack margarita but it sounds like a weekend treat! I will tell the hubby about it. :) Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!

    Maureen |

  4. Oooh that margarita drink looks good! Good luck with the planting this weekend :)

  5. Penny, there are so many great things in this post! I need to check out the Sips by Tea boxes! My mother in law would love this! It is perfect for Mother’s Day or just to send someone a nice little unexpected gift. Thanks so much for linking up with me.

