Monday, April 27, 2020

Weekending - April 24, 2020

Welcome to Monday!  We got back to normal a bit last week as I returned to working from my workplace.  Friday was a welcome sight!  Here's how we spent the weekend ~

Friday night I rushed out of work to get home in time for our now weekly Zoom happy hour.  Eric had brought home a jug of premade Jose Cuervo margaritas and they were just what was needed after a long week!

Saturday morning Eric had to go to work and I was awake early, but decided to make it a slow, relaxing morning.  The rain was coming down outside and I sat at the kitchen table watching it while I worked on our current puzzle.  I decided to make myself toast in the oven for breakfast and remembered I had a jar of pear and cinnamon preserves.  The toast paired with a cup of my favorite tea was a perfect way to start the day!  You might remember, I used the pear and cinnamon preserves to make tartlets.  You can find that recipe HERE.  This stuff is so good!

Saturday night we met with our Connect Group from church on a Zoom chat.  It was nice seeing everyone's face!  We had just started attending the group right before the social distancing went into place, so we really don't know many of the people in the group well.  It will be great to start meeting in person again and get to know this group a bit better.

The clouds moved out and Sunday was at least sunny.  The temperature was still on the cool side, but at least it wasn't cloudy.  Since we are adults and can do whatever we want, we had a piece of the chocolate cake I made on Saturday for breakfast while watching church online.  

Our kitchen was filled with the scent of lilac this weekend.  I cut a few blooms off our lilac bush to bring inside.  Man - I sure wish those things bloomed all year round!

I'm back at work this week for at least a few days.  I had been strictly sheltering in place up until returning to work last week.  It was an odd feeling to be out and around other people.  There are not many people working at our office right now and I wonder how it's going to be when more and more people start coming back.  Such a different world than just a few months ago!

If your reading list is getting caught up and you're looking for a new book, Danielle Steel has a book coming out tomorrow - The Wedding Dress.   Here's the summary from Amazon:
From the glamorous San Francisco social scene of the 1920s, through war and the social changes of the ’60s, to the rise of Silicon Valley today, this extraordinary novel takes us on a family odyssey that is both heartbreaking and inspiring, as each generation faces the challenges of their day.
The Parisian design houses in 1928, the crash of 1929, the losses of war, the drug culture of the 1960s—history holds many surprises, and lives are changed forever. For richer or for poorer, in cramped apartments and grand mansions, the treasured wedding dress made in Paris in 1928 follows each generation into their new lives, and represents different hopes for each of them, as they marry very different men.
From inherited fortunes at the outset to self-made men and women, the wedding dress remains a cherished constant for the women who wear it in each generation and forge a destiny of their own. It is a symbol of their remaining traditions and the bond of family they share in an ever-changing world.
The Wedding Dress: A Novel by [Danielle Steel]

Hope you have a wonderful week!  I'm joining a group of blogger friends tomorrow to do a spring recipe swap.  Pop back in and see the recipe I'm sharing!


  1. I bet it's weird to be out when there aren't many people around. Glad you had a wonderful weekend, Penny.

  2. Oooh thanks for the heads up on the new danielle steel. Gotta get my hands on it!

  3. I just LOVE the scent of lilacs!

  4. So exciting you got to go back to work! What do you do? Pear and cinnamon preserves sound so good! Have you ever had apple butter? I love lilacs! I's my favorite scent and their my favorite color!
