Monday, April 13, 2020

Weekending - April 10, 2020

Weekends are sure looking different than they used to!  Here's a rewind of our Easter weekend ~

We got the cutest picture of my nephews and niece!  I love the letter my nephew is holding and I'm sure a lot of parents can relate.

Wish I could just hop in the car and go scoop them up!  I know the grass sometimes looks greener on the other side, but I'm a bit envious of all you parents that are getting this extra time with your kids.  I know it must be hard to keep them entertained and active right now but think of all the wonderful memories you are going to have! 

Our week was also made is a little brighter when we received this picture from another one of our nephews.  The flowers are cut out handprints from him and his baby brother.  It promptly got hung on the refrigerator.  Seeing it sure makes my heart happy!

Speaking of making my heart happy, Thursday afternoon my friend Tracy did a dropoff of these beautiful flowers and a sweet card.  It's times like this that true friends really bubble to the top!

Friday night we had a Zoom happy hour with friends and I made bruschetta with this tapenade from Aldi's.  I've searched their website to see if I could get more delivered through Instacart, but I can't find it.  You better believe the next time I'm able to go to their store and see it, I'm going to fill my entire cart up with jars just so I have it on hand!

I've been taking a lot of walks around our neighborhood and last week we had the best sidewalk chalk artwork!  I hope this is one of those things that doesn't stop when we go back to "normal".

Saturday night we played Qwixx over Zoom with a couple of friends.  We also sang happy birthday to another friend's daughter who turned 21.  Happy birthday Kelsey!  Can't wait to celebrate in person!

After all the Zoom excitement, Eric and I settled down and finished the season of Ozark.  Holy cow - the last episode!  Do you think if we all write to Netflix they would release season 4 sometime soon?  I hear Netflix hasn't closed the deal on season 4 just yet, but filming was still underway. 

Easter Sunday we watched church online and had a Zoom chat with my family and a phone call with Eric's mom.  We also listened to Andrea Bocelli's performance from the empty Duomo Cathedral.  Did you listen?  Emotions bubbled over and the tears flowed as I listened.  Amazing Grace has always been one of my favorite hymns and his version was spectacular.

We had our traditional Easter ham, so leftovers are on the list for this week.  I also made a coconut cream pie.  If I were guessing, I'd say the pie leftovers will be gone long before the ham!

Hope you have a fabulous week!  Stay safe and please, please, please shelter at home and social distance yourself if you must go out.  Together we can get through this, but it's going to take ALL of us working together.  A friend shared the news that a member of their family died from Coronavirus on Friday night.  She had gotten sick and 30 hours later was dead.  She was 50.  This is serious guys.  Please act like it is.  


  1. That note had me laughing out loud! Your pie looks amazing. We're actually cooking up a ham tomorrow night since the family decided on pot roast this weekend.

  2. You have such sweet family and friends! I'm glad you had a very happy Easter! That pie looks out of this world! YUM!

  3. Oh, my gosh, that sweet poor soul. Alive and well one day and gone two days later. I am so sorry.
    I appreciate all the creative ways you kids are staying active and following the guidelines. Bless you!
    So, I want to make a coconut pie for the recipe swap. Have never made one before and not sure PC will even eat it but it is one of my faves. Yours is lovely and surely as tasty.
