Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Weekending - April 17, 2020

Here we are at the beginning of another week.  One more week down and one more week closer to getting back to normal.  We are still sheltering in place so the weekends look a lot different, but there are still good moments!  Here's a recap from last weekend ~

Thursday nights I have a standing date with 5 of my sorority sisters on Zoom.  We would have never started doing these weekly chats if it wasn't for the Coronavirus.  It's definitely one of the good things that have come out of this crazy time!

Another is our Friday night happy hour with our friends Sharyn, Eric and Linda.  Sharyn and Eric's daughter will usually pop her head in to say hello too.  It's a great way to start the weekend!

I opened a bottle of St. Germain that we had in the pantry for this week's happy hour.  I love the stuff straight with a splash of water.  I have an idea for the bottle when it's empty.  I'll share it as soon as that project is complete.  It's a big bottle so it might take me a while!

Last week I sent some happy mail to a few of my friends and I started getting thank you messages.  Remember the hanging sachets I mentioned in my Five on Friday?  They fit perfectly into business size envelopes and made for a pleasant surprise when opening the mailbox.

Sunday morning I made a blueberry gooey butter cake for breakfast.  I typically make these to take into work for birthdays so Eric doesn't get it very often.  He loves them so I thought I'd surprise him on his day off.  You can find the recipe HERE.  

We once again cozied up on the couch to watch our church service.  I love watching in my pj's with a cup of coffee in my hand, but I'll be super grateful when I'm back sitting in the pews!

I made a chicken recipe last week that is quick, easy and delicious.  I'll be sharing that this week on the blog so pop back in!

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