Monday, July 27, 2020

Weekending - July 24, 2020

Happy Monday!  It seems the weekend sped by even though there wasn't a lot on the agenda.  We are still trying to stay home as much as possible with the exception of going to work and social distance from people.  Let's rewind ~

Friday night we were thrilled to watch the Cardinals home opener.  Kennedy Holmes, from The Voice, belted out a beautiful rendition of The National Anthem and just like that the season began. 

The stadium looked so sad with no fans in the stands.  I can't even remember the last time we weren't there in person for opening day.  Regardless, it was still great to have baseball to watch once again and it suddenly felt a little more like summer.  It will be wonderful to have something new to talk about!  Can't wait for the St. Louis Blues hockey to start too!

Saturday was spent in the pool.  By the pool, I mean my blow up pool.  This thing has made being at home on the weekends just a bit more bearable.

Eric brought home the most gorgeous roses on Saturday.  He really knows how to make my heart happy!  I brought them into work with me today and every time they catch my eye, they make me smile. 

Sunday we watched the Cardinals once again and then took a little drive to Columbia Bottoms Conservation Area, located in North St. Louis County.  I'd been hearing about their sunflower fields and wanted to check it out for myself.

They definitely have sunflowers!  Fields of them.  How can you not be happy when surrounded by this beauty!

We walked around a bit until the 95-degree heat got the best of us.  There were several groups trying to get family pictures.  I would love to see how those turn out!  I bet the photographers will be photoshopping a lot of sweat out them!

Before leaving the area, we cruised over to the boat ramp and watched the river run past. 

Now it's Monday and I'm off to work.  After doing a lot of vacillating about taking a real vacation this year, we finally decided to go to Gulf Shores in late August.  So now I have some planning to do!  Hope you have a great week and I'll see you back here soon.


  1. I just love checking out the sunflower fields near us! I keep forgetting to see if they are open this summer.

  2. What a lovely sunflower fields they are. Very nice. I watch the A's home opener as well. I am a season ticket holder pre-paid in January and bummed out that I am not out at the yard.

  3. Oh, my gosh, those sunflowers are so uplifting. Great photo of you kids in the field of flowers. We watched baseball this weekend, too. The Reds came out of the gate with a player testing positive with Covid and 2 others on the sick list. Ugh. Could be a long short season.

  4. I loved seeing those beautiful sunflower fields! Our anniversary is in the fall and we usually go away to celebrate but I'm waiting to see what happens first and may just stay local.
