Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Bee Kind Tiered Tray

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday where I share something I'm thinking about and invite you to link up and do the same.  

Last weekend I took a minute to change the decorations on our three-tier tray.  Sometimes these things just fall into place and this was one of those times!  I grabbed a tub of bee-related baubles I had stored in the basement and this is how it all came together ~

I had previewed a picture in my Weekending post and a friend asked where I got the items to go on our tiered trays.  The answer is from everywhere!  I've gotten items from Michael's, Hobby Lobby, thrift stores, Etsy, and Cracker Barrel.  You never know what you're going to find at Cracker Barrel's store!  Some of the bees in this display actually came from the floral department at our local Schnuck's grocery store.  

Recently I've started adding in more greenery to fill out the layers and the sides.  Most of the greenery used here was actually leftover from our Easter tiered tray.  

The overall look is bright and cheery.  It makes me smile every time I look at it - from the morning when I'm fixing my lunch before heading to work through the evening when I'm cleaning up from dinner.  Sometimes we can all use a little reminder to be happy!

Now it's your turn.  What are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!  I love hearing from you.

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  1. Thank you, Penny, for hosting this week! I LOVE your adorable Bee display!! It is Bee-utiful! Have a wonderful week!


    Tee @ Teediddlydee

  2. Oh, it looks nice, I like it! Thanks so much for linking up with me at the Unlimited Link Party 25. Pinned!

  3. This is very cute, Penny. The color is so cheery!

  4. I just love it! So so cute.

  5. I love your bee collection, Penny! They are all very sweet and colorful

  6. Thanks so much for continuing to host and give us all a place to connect! Love your darling tiered tray! xo, Kristi

  7. This is darling! Thanks for sharing at Vintage Charm!

  8. Wow, that is so very cool. Nice.

  9. This is my personal favorite from last week’s Funtastic Friday, also pinned to the FF board! Thanks for sharing great such great content! Stop by and see what’s new, thanks again Melynda@ScratchMadeFood! I will have to join you here on Thinking Out Loud Thursday!

  10. I love the bees. I'm in the process of putting together a bees tiered tray and will have to put some of your ideas to use.

  11. You are the Queen Bee when it comes to tiered trays. Absolutely adorable. You have reached an all-time best with this one. Truly adorable. Love the honey comb looking candle, the felted garland. Such a cheerful, fun display. You are so clever.
