Monday, May 1, 2023

Let's Have a Tea Party!

Recently I hosted a tea party for a group of friends from our small group at church.  It was the most fun!  Gathering friends, breaking bread together, and sharing ideas are some of my favorite things.  We spent a few hours on a Saturday morning sitting around my dining room table, sipping tea, laughing, and getting to know each other.  It was the perfect day!

Some people may cringe at the thought of planning and executing a party.  I'm just the opposite!  I spent weeks contemplating the menu and decorating ideas.  I took a vacation day the Friday before and had the time of my life getting ready.  My neighbor, Jill, came over before the party started and was instrumental in helping pull everything together before the other guests rang the doorbell. 

The first place I started decorating was the area we display our tiered tray.  Since we would be in the kitchen filling our plates and making our teas, I wanted this area to reflect the tea party theme.  Eric and I had fun visiting antique malls and scouring Facebook Marketplace looking for teapots.  

The tulips and welcome sign stayed from Easter and I replaced the bunnies with teapots and tea cups.  

Next, I went to work putting flowers in a teacup for the guest bathroom.  The gold frame is a staple on the sink and I frequently change out the picture inside. 

The dining room table was next.  We brought out two of my favorite china sets and filled the table!  My grandmother's silver also made an appearance.  

Inside the wrapped package was a devotional book I found on Amazon titled Mornings with God.  It was the perfect little gift to send each guest home with!

As everyone was finishing their food, I brought out a little game of Would You Rather so we could get to know each other a bit better.  This game was purchased from Being Happy Prints on Etsy and I modified it to work with our group.  Each question was read out loud and people responded with a show of hands their answer.  

For the teas, there was a basket full of loose teas the guest could choose from or a variety of flavored tea bags.  We had a pump pot full of hot water and everyone made their own cup.  

Each place setting had a diffuser for the guest to use and a little dish to place it on after they made their tea.  

The menu was simple and easy to put together.  I'm going to be doing a separate post with recipes on the items I did make.  

 Egg Salad Sandwiches
Cucumber Sandwiches
Pimento Cheese Cups
Egg Bites
Fruit Salad

It made my heart happy to share the morning with this group of fabulous ladies!  I'm so grateful they gave me a reason to bring out the china and plan a party!  But you know what - this morning would have been just as special if I had served water in paper cups and we sat around my family room with baskets of dirty laundry.  Don't miss an opportunity to share fellowship with your friends just because you don't have time to make it special.  Just being together is special enough!

Shop the post ~


  1. I love planning stuff like this however once that gets out you end up being the planner fir your friends all the time!

  2. Penny,
    I so enjoyed this post!! Everything looks lovely and the food looks so scrumptious!! I am sure a wonderful time was had by all!! I think I need to do this!! Thanks so much for the inspiration!!

  3. Lovely idea and beautiful presentation. Sounds like the tea party was a wonderful experience. Saw it at #WWBlogHop.
