Monday, May 1, 2023

Weekending - April 28, 2023

It's May!  How did that happen so fast?  May is going to be a big month for me and I'm excited to usher it in today! 

Before we march into May, let me recap our last weekend in April ~

Some of you might have caught from the closing statement on Five on Friday that I wrapped up my career of 29 years at one company last week and will be starting a new position at a new company in just a few weeks.  As sad as I am to not be seeing my friends at work on a daily basis, I'm equally excited to start this new opportunity.  But my friends aren't going to get rid of me - we'll just need to be more intentional at seeing each other.  Luckily, we already have a dinner planned!

Thursday night there was a happy hour in my honor and I got to chat with so many of my work friends.  It was the perfect sendoff!  Sadly, I didn't take a single picture.  

Friday was a surreal day.  I'm not sure it's sunk in that I won't be driving the same route, parking in the same parking lot, and sitting at the same desk when I return to work in a few weeks.  I decided that I'd take a couple weeks off between jobs and my to-do list is quite long with all the things I want to get accomplished before I start my new position.  I have this week to knock the items off the list because next week I'm taking a trip with my friend!  

We had our church small group meeting Friday night and I had told the host I wasn't sure we were going to be able to make it.  Honestly, I didn't know how I'd feel Friday night after walking to my car for the last time and driving off the campus I'd worked at for nearly three decades.  But we made it to the gathering and it was nice to be surrounded by friends.  Our group is working our way through The Trail Guide to the Gospel of John.  It's a wonderful study of John.  Great for a group or just to read on your own.

Saturday night we tried a new Mexican restaurant with friends - Tony's Tacos.  It was more authentic Mexican food than we typically get.   I tried something new to me - Sopes.  It was two thick corn bases made from masa, fried and topped with beans, meat, lettuce, pico de gallo, and sour cream.  Yum!  Eric got the tacos and that's what I got a picture of.  We'll go back!

Sunday we went to church and then attended a memorial service for a friend's father.  The memorial service was so touching.  Three generations of the family played musical instruments and performed several of the departed's favorite hymns.  The family put together a very thoughtful service and we felt like we knew him when it was over.  

We had a celebratory dinner Sunday evening to cheer on my new job.  I picked 801 Chophouse and it did not disappoint!  Everything from the cocktail to the dessert was fabulous!  

Now I'm starting on my to-do list this week before packing and heading to Savannah with my friend.  This will be the first time in my adult life I don't have work responsibilities to worry about.  I have two weeks between leaving my old work duties behind and picking up my new ones.  I have every intention of making the most of it!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the new job! Can't wait to hear sbout it! Have fun on your trip.
