1. The Upside Down Lego Set
If you are a lover of Stranger Things and Legos, your two worlds will meet tomorrow when the new Lego set titled The Upside Down becomes available. It carries a price tag of $199 and has over 2,200 pieces. Here's the description from Lego ~
Fans of the global hit Netflix original series will appreciate the authentic details of this highly collectible LEGO® Stranger Things toy – 75810 The Upside Down. This sturdy, brick-built model can flip between the real world and The Upside Down. The design of the model's building instructions makes it a great shared building experience with friends and family. The Byers' house features Will's bedroom, the living room and the dining room. The Upside Down version of the house, from an alternate dimension, features all the rooms from the real-world model but with a dark, vine-covered, dilapidated look that fans will instantly recognize from the series. With 8 Stranger Things figures, each with its own accessories, this playset makes a great gift for Stranger Things fans who will love to build and display this model to show their passion for the series.
2. Sports Beach Lounger
Okay this falls under the category of "why didn't I invent this!". It's a beach chair that folds into a wagon! So ingenious!! Anyone headed to the beach this summer should check this out. When folded into a cart, it will haul up to 100 pounds of cargo. It has wide tread wheels and a handle to make it easy to roll across the sand. This baby even has a pillow head rest and a 4-position adjustable back when you fold it out into a lounger. Know any dads that would love this for Father's Day?

Available at Target HERE
3. The Handmaid's Tale - Season 3
4. Bytox - The Hangover Patch
With summer parties getting ready to begin, you might want to have this hangover patch ready just in case you over indulgence just a bit on the alcohol. One package includes 5 individual packages. Each is a powerful blend of vitamins and nutrients that ward off hangovers before they start. Best part - it's all natural 100% organic formula! Where was this stuff when I was in college? Want to have some in your medicine chest just in case? Click HERE to check it out.
5. This definitely happened at my house....
Have a great weekend! We are looking forward to watching the St. Louis Blues move closer to winning their first Stanley cup. Such an exciting time in St. Louis! See you next week. I'll be sharing a "bee" party I had this week that you won't want to miss.
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