Penny's Passion: Gideon's Bakehouse Review

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Gideon's Bakehouse Review

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Today I'm still basking in the memories of our trip to Disney and am sharing a review on Gideon's Bakehouse. 

Have you heard of Gideon's Bakehouse?  In case you haven't, it's a dessert shop that's famous for apparently having the best cookies in Florida.  The shop also serves up cake and a few drinks.  When we started planning our trip and looking into the array of food options, this "Gideon's" kept popping up and people were saying how hard it was to get in.  Well, if you know me, that sounded like a challenge and I wanted in!

A little background - Gideon's Bakehouse is located in Disney Springs.  They held their grand opening on January 16, 2021.  From the information I found before visiting, I was prepared for the lines to get in to be LONG.  Currently, they are using a virtual queue.  Our experience was very smooth and didn't take as long as I had expected.  We arrived at Disney Springs around 10:45 am and walked immediately to Gideon's to put our name in the virtual queue.  There's a person by the front door taking names and you'll get a text when you're signed up.

Eric's favorite spot is the Ghirardelli ice cream store, so we meandered in that direction once we were in the queue and had a mid-morning ice cream snack.  It wasn't long before we got a text saying we could join the outside line to get in Gideon's.

When we arrived, there were about 50 people in line outside and we joined them.  You are given a menu of what you'll find inside.

The menu was adorable and will probably be in my drawer at home for longer than a normal person would keep it.  (Does anyone else have a hoarding problem?)  It did allow us to make our selections before actually entering the shop.  From the time we put our name in the virtual queue to the time we walked out with our cookies was a little over an hour.  And thirty minutes of that time we were walking around doing other things.  Not bad!

Once inside, you will be in awe!  Every space on the walls is covered with adorable Harry Potter-like decorations.  The lights are dim and the mood is on the haunted side.  

The cookies and cakes are beautiful!  We bought cookies to take home, but if we haven't just filled up on ice cream I definitely would have tried a piece of cake.

We were flying home the evening we made our purchase and I was excited to bring some cookies home to our son and daughter-in-law.  Both love cookies and had read about the prestige of getting into Gideon's.  I was out to impress them!  

The box carrying our cookies fit snuggly into my carry-on bag.  They traveled with us on the plane and reached home in perfect condition.

Now for the review:  We bought 5 total cookies at $6 each.  Eric chose the Pistachio Toffee.  I had the Peanut Butter Crunch.  Ian and Kayla got the Cookies & Cream, Original Chocolate Chip, and Coffee Cake.  Eric and I both thought they were just okay.  Ian and Kayla both thought they were fabulous - especially the chocolate chip and coffee cake.  

Would we go again - heck yes, if the virtual queue was being used and the wait wasn't longer than the time we would be at Disney Springs anyway.  I am so glad we did it this time just to experience the whole situation.  

Have you been to Gideon's Bakehouse?  What did you think?

Now it's your turn.  What are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!


  1. We went to Disney in January of 2020, before this place existed. But now, I will need to go back, because I'd love to check this place out!

    Niky @ The House on Silverado

  2. Thanks so much for hosting this party! I hope you enjoy my contributions this week for Homemade on a Weeknight!

  3. Next time I visit Disneyworld I'll go to Gideon's backhouse and try a few cookies. Thanks for the review!

  4. What a cool place. Very nice. Thanks for sharing it with us.
