Thursday, December 31, 2015

New Year's Eve - 2015 Review

Happy New Year's Eve!  Today I'm thinking out loud about how excited I am for 2016.  The beginning of a new year is so refreshing to me.  It gives us a chance to start all over with a clean slate.
2015 was a fun year for me and my blog and 2016 is going to be even better.  Today I'm thinking out loud about some of my favorite posts.  One of them was a two part blog I did in honor of my best friend Linda's daughter, Haley, turning 21.  

There was a lot of recipe sharing.  The goal is to post a recipe every Tuesday.  I've looked through my recipe box (yes, I still have recipes written on those little recipe cards) and have lots to share in 2016.  According to Google Analytics, these were my top three for 2015:

One of my personal favorites was the tribute to my son's nanny, Helen.  She was a huge part of our lives and we miss her.  

Hope each of you reflect back on 2015 with happy thoughts and join me in looking forward to making 2016 an amazing year.  Thank you so much for reading my little space in cyberland!  It's been so fun reading your comments and getting to know some of you.  

I'll be back on Monday with my weekend recap.  Until then, be safe and Happy New Year!

Linking Up With


  1. I'll have to look back at your recipes and try some! The peanut butter scotchies look amazing!

  2. You always share such great recipes! Sounds like you had a wonderful 2015, and I can't wait to read more in 2016. Have a great New year!

  3. I'm loving that chicken enchilada recipe! Happy New Year!

  4. Those enchiladas have me wanting to ruin my fitness resolution already! LOL I hope 2016 is amazing for all the bloggers in the world! :-D Great post!

  5. It's been such a great year and I can't wait to see what 2016 has in store for you guys! Happy New Year! :)
