Penny's Passion: Book Review: Don't Overthink It

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Book Review: Don't Overthink It

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday!  Today I'm thinking out loud about a book I recently read:  Don't Overthink It by Anne Bogel.

Anne Bogel, book review

I would be lying to you if I told you I wasn't an overthinker.  Just ask my husband, Eric, and he would agree that I can think something to death.  For days I can ruminate over the littlest thing.  So when Anne Bogel's book Don't Overthink It became available, I jumped at the opportunity to dive in.  

What exactly is this book about you ask?  Here's the summary from Amazon ~
We've all been there: stuck in a cycle of what-ifs, plagued by indecision, paralyzed by the fear of getting it wrong. Nobody wants to live a life of constant overthinking, but it doesn't feel like something we can choose to stop doing. It feels like something we're wired to do, something we just can't escape. But is it?
Anne Bogel's answer is no. Not only can you overcome negative thought patterns that are repetitive, unhealthy, and unhelpful, you can replace them with positive thought patterns that will bring more peace, joy, and love into your life. In Don't Overthink It, you'll find actionable strategies that can make an immediate and lasting difference in how you deal with questions both small--Should I buy these flowers?--and large--What am I doing with my life? More than a book about making good decisions, Don't Overthink It offers you a framework for making choices you'll be comfortable with, using an appropriate amount of energy, freeing you to focus on all the other stuff that matters in life.
The subtitle of the book really sums it up best:  Make Easier Decisions, Stop Second-Guessing, and Bring More Joy to Your Life.  Anne talks through specific examples in her own life that was so relatable to me that I spent much of the book nodding my head yes.  Just by raising my awareness of some of the overthinking tendencies, I can now stop the downward spiral and use the tools mentioned in the book to make decisions faster and without wasting precious time.

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book ~

Image may contain: possible text that says '"When we stop overthinking, we can get out of our own way and bring more joy, peace, and love into our lives." ANNE BOGEL #DontOverthinkIt'

If you would like to get some tools on how to stop being an overthinker or understand those of us who are overthinkers a bit better, the book is available HERE.  Don't overthink it - just buy the book!

Now it's your turn.  What are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!  I love hearing from you.


  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with and invite you to my UNLIMITED MONTHLY LINK PARTY 10, open March 1 to 26 and my BOTTLE – 65 WORDS WRITING PROMPT LINKUP, open March 10 to 20.

  2. I think we all are guilty of over thinking!

  3. My copy of Anne's book is in the mail, and I 'm so looking forward to reading it!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful book. I think I might have to read it. Thanks for sharing it.

  5. I definitely tend to overthink things! This sounds like a good book.

  6. This sounds like a very interesting book! Thansk for hostig tis fun linky every week, Penny.

  7. Thank you for hosting each week!
    I would love to have you join Friday Features Linky Party over st #omhgff
