Penny's Passion: Working Our Way To Normal

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Working Our Way To Normal

Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday where I share something that's on my mind and invite you to link up and do the same.

As of a couple weeks ago, Eric and I are fully vaccinated.  We literally have talked for the last year about all the things we can't wait to do again and one of those things was spending time with our niece and nephews.  Last weekend we had an opportunity to hug those little ones and I'm still thinking today about how euphoric it was! 

When we pulled up to my parents' house and the kids came running towards our car, I thought my heart was going to burst!  Life is slowly getting back to normal.

 I'm not going to lie, every time I see a Facebook post with a grandparent hugging their grandchildren for the first time again during this pandemic, I cry.  Every.Single.Time.  It's not that I didn't appreciate the things we sometimes took for granted, but now I definitely have a new appreciation.  One that is deeper because I now know what it's like to not see those little faces in person.

This weekend we're having a vaccinated friend visit for the weekend and we are giddy with excitement!  I'm sure the happy tears will be flowing when we see each other for the first time in person in over a year! 

What are you looking forward to doing when it's safe for you?  There are so many things on our list - going to theaters, concerts, out to dinner just to name a few.  And we'll be doing all of them with a new appreciation!

Now it's your turn - what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!


  1. Very nice pics. I get to start in-person teaching next week. That is a huge return to normalcy.
