Penny's Passion: 2020 Goals

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2020 Goals

Happy New Year friends!  Welcome to the first Thinking Out Loud Thursday of 2020.  I'm excited to start the year (and the decade!) with a clean slate.  I'm also determined to make this year the best it can possibly be and I'd like to do that with you.  So, with no further ado, let me share my 2020 goals ~

The Blog
It's hard to believe, but I've been blogging for five-and-a-half years!  One Thousand and Ninety-Five total posts!  In the beginning, I was all about learning as much as I could and growing the blog.  Then after about two years, I was pretty much on autopilot.  My desire is for this to be a year of growth.  I'm also going to try to be more transparent on how I feel over here.  Things aren't always rainbows and butterflies, but I rarely open up about the things that aren't great.  Not that I'm planning on being a Debbie Downer, but I think it's important to let you know that things aren't always perfect and share how I feel.  I'm excited to take this little space of mine to the next level and raise the bar a bit.

Use the Things I Have
We have an entire room in our house dedicated to my crafts.  I have enough ribbons to wrap the planet Earth four or five times and enough scrapbook paper to make every living human a personal card.  And yet, with each project I start the first thing I do is head to Michaels to buy more stuff.  It's crazy!!  This year I'm going to make a gargantuan effort to use what I have.  Now, this does mean I'll need to get myself a wee bit more organized so I can actually find and use the items already purchased and in my stash, but the end results will be so worth it!

Personal Development
It's no secret that I'm a HUGE Rachel Hollis fan.  In June, me and a friend are headed to San Diego to her RISE conference.  Yes, I'm ecstatic about going!  But I want to extend my personal development beyond just that one experience.  Not long ago, someone I know that is in her 70s mentioned she wasn't interested in the personal growth stuff anymore.  Honestly, her comment has haunted me ever since she said it.  No matter your age, you need to continue to grow!  If you're not growing, you're dying - and who wants that?!?  Age should not be a factor in wanting to be the best version of yourself and to do that we all need to grow and develop.  This year I want to be more intentional in my personal development and lay the groundwork to make life better.

Home Organization
We've lived in our current house for twelve years.  As things do over the years, we have an accumulation of things in cabinets, closets, and drawers.  Things that we don't need anymore, or want anymore, or are so outdated that we won't use anymore.  Those things are going!  I know I'll feel so much better when I open a closet door and things don't come toppling out at me.  

Plan Vacations
Vacations are something I love!  It seems Eric and I connect so much more when we are on vacation.  I love coming home and having made the memories we will talk about for years to come.  We've floated ideas out on where we want to go this year, but haven't firmed up any definite plans.  This is a goal I won't let slide!

Enrich Friendships
My friends mean the world to me!  This year I want to spend some intentional time enriching current friendships, making new friends and letting go of others.  I love the quote by Mandy Hale, "Letting go does not mean you stop caring.  It means you stop trying to force others to."  I'm sure I'm not the only one who has friends who just aren't that into you.  I've spent so much time worrying about what to do to make those friendships better.  It might just be time to move on.

Expand My Cooking Life
Do you find yourself cooking the same things over and over?  Man, I sure do!  I have a cabinet full of cookbooks and enough recipes printed that I could try something new every day for the rest of my life and still not tap into half the recipes I have.  We're trying new stuff this year.  Period.  Get ready because there's a big chance I'll be sharing those new recipes on the blog!

When I accomplish these goals in 2020, I'll be able to look back and see it was a pretty fantastic year!  Just writing them down makes me enthusiast to get started.  What are some of your goals for the months ahead?

So that's what I'm thinking about today?  What's on your mind?  Link up and share!


  1. Very nice goals. I just want to be a better person. Simply put. Have a wonderful Thursday.

  2. These sounds like great goals! I too have really tried to stop shopping for arts and craft supplies and focus more on using what I have at hand... it's hard though when it's not always easy to find where I stashed something but honestly if I'm not going to use it I really should just get rid of it. That's my motto for every single other area of the house and I need to start holding myself accountable to that for my craft supplies too.

  3. So glad to read your first Thinking Out Loud post for the new year. Great goals. I think we are more genuine when people that our lives aren't always a rainbows and unicorns. I am writing a post now that shares some of the most difficult days in 2019. Hard to write but you never know who might just need to hear they aren't alone in some of what they are dealing with.

    I want to get more organized on my blog and not scramble to write every post. And I have big plans to purge and declutter my very full craft space, too.

    Happy new year!!

  4. I love your goal list, Penny. Great things to work on in the new year!
