Penny's Passion: What We Did in August 2024

Monday, September 9, 2024

What We Did in August 2024

August was packed with fun activities! We kicked off the month by meeting our friends' new Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, Teddy.  He is adorable!  We wanted to see him right away because we knew he wouldn't stay little for long.

Next up we celebrated our daughter-in-law’s birthday. I always let the birthday person pick what I fix and Kayla chose Chicken Enchiladas and Mungo Salad.  For dessert, I whipped up a made-from-scratch funfetti cake. Using my Silhouette machine, I made a pattern to lay on top of the cake of her name and filled in the space with sprinkles. I must admit, I was pretty proud of the way it turned out!

Way back in December, my friend Jodie and I bought tickets to see P!nk. The date finally arrived for the concert on September 10! P!nk was a bucket list entertainer for both of us and she didn’t disappoint. That lady has talent! We met up with some other friends who were also going to the concert for dinner and then went to the show. The opener was Missouri native Sheryl Crow. She was fantastic also! The whole evening was a blast!

The week after the concert I flew out on Thursday to spend the day with my family on their beach vacation. They were in the Rosemary Beach area, which is a spot I had not been to before. The water was crystal clear and so, so blue!  A highlight was seeing our niece and nephews playing in the sand.  Aren't beach days the best!

It was fun spending a bit of time with them on the beach before picking up my friend Debbie from the airport on Friday. We were spending a few days in Orange Beach at a condo, Regency Isle, that I had been to several times before.

 We relaxed on the huge balcony and took in the surf and sun. Any stress I had in my body melted away laying there listening to the waves crash to shore while reading my book. We did a little retail therapy at the nearby outlet mall, Door Dashed, and took an awesome dolphin cruise with Surfs Up.

My love for sunrises drew me outside every day to watch the show in the sky as the day began. Sunsets are a favorite of mine too. But on this trip, the moon put on a show as good as the sun. My pictures really don’t do justice to the beauty of the moon reflecting off the ocean.

Our window area got a makeover into the Sunshine Shroomscape.  I blogged about the new design HERE.

The weekend after I got back from the beach we hosted our friends TW and Mary at our house. We planned an antique weekend where we went to an estate sale and to several antique stores in the area. By the end of our day, the car was loaded with all our found treasures.

September is shaping up to be a busy month! We're off to London for vacation and can't wait to explore a new city. While I'm a bit sad to say goodbye to summer, I'm excited for the fall ahead!

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