Penny's Passion: Thinking Out Loud Thursday - December 31, 2020

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - December 31, 2020

We've made it to the last day of 2020!  I'm so excited to start a new year with hopefully a little more normalcy.  

Today for Thinking Out Loud Thursday I'd like to share an email we received from our pastor, Reverend Shane Bishop.  A few years ago we were looking for a new church and found Christ Church in Fairview Heights, Illinois.  We got involved by joining a small group and were beginning to feel at home.  Then the pandemic came along and we are now watching our service online each week and staying in touch through a Facebook group.

Rev. Shane has done an excellent job communicating with the scattered congregation and his email yesterday was a message I asked his permission to share here.  If you're wanting to cut down on the drama in 2021, his words are meant for you too.  Here they are ~
The seven easiest ways to cut down on drama during 2021:

1) Offer people the benefit of the doubt. Chose not to be offended.

2) Be quick to apologize when you get cross-threaded with others. Go first.

3) Don’t put energy into things you can’t change. This is a pit with no bottom.

4) Focus on improving yourself; not improving others. You have little say over others. You have a significant say over you.

5) Don’t invite extra things and people into your life that stress you. Who needs extra stress?

6) Lean into healthy habits. No downside.

7) Breathe.

None of these things cost a cent or require you going to the gym.

You can even eat pizza...because, let’s face it, we are all going to eat pizza.
Great thoughts, don't you think.  I know I'm ready for less drama in 2021 and these tips are great reminders on how we can all cut down on the drama.

If you're looking for an online service to attend, please check out our church.  Christ Church can be found HERE or on YouTube by searching My Christ Church and looking for this emblem.

Happy New Year to you and your families!  Let's cut down on the drama and make 2021 a fantastic year!

Now it's your turn.  What are you thinking out loud about today?  Feel free to link up and share. 


  1. I cut back on the drama years ago and don't regret it for a second. One of the biggest differences was getting rid of social media (though I do still have Facebook to keep in touch with a few blogging/hiking groups I only log in once a week and check those three groups-- no scrolling).

  2. I definitely needed to read this today. As I've already experienced 1,3 & 5 this morning. And its not even noon.

  3. Grateful to think out loud with you here!

  4. Such lovely words there. I will be stealing them to share with others.
