Friday night Eric had to work late so I swung by the mall on my way home to cash in some coupons. Free panties and travel size lotion - yes please! Love free stuff! Then on to the grocery store to pick up what I needed to whip up dinner. I had seen a recipe for French Dip sandwiches over at A. Liz Adventures that I had been dreaming about all week long and couldn't wait one more day to fix them. They were delicious!
I don't want to steal April thunder, so check out her blog and make these sandwiches. They were super easy and come together quickly. Perfect thing to make when you want to get a simple dinner on the table fast.
Saturday was an action packed day. I met my friends Tracy, Carol and Sherri on Sherri's deck for mimosas, quiche and fruit before heading to the Strange Folk Art Festival. Mother Nature got the message we wanted to sit outside and sent us perfect weather - it was a gorgeous morning! The four of us enjoyed sitting and chatting before heading out.
Spending time with friends is just the best and Saturday night I had a very special treat. My college sorority sister, Jeanette, was stopping by for a visit. I had not seen her in almost 30 years and, I swear, it was like we had never lost touch with each other. It was so great seeing her and catching up. We laughed until our cheeks hurt. My heart is just so happy that we got to spend an evening together. I have high hopes we can get together again sooner than 30 years!
Sunday morning Eric and I decided to take it slow. With a cool breeze blowing in our bedroom window, we lingered in bed reading and playing Candy Crush (yes, we are hooked). When we finally rolled out of bed, we hit the ground running.
Our first stop was World's Market to pick up a few things. One of the things I needed was a little birthday gift for a party we were attending in the afternoon. I'm in love with their magnolia exfoliating soap and lotion. The smell is fabulous!

Then we headed to IHOP for some body fuel. When we were full, we headed to the pumpkin farm to pick out our pumpkins for the season. Thank heavens Eric is patient with me because I swear I have to look at every pumpkin and pick the most perfect ones. My vision is to place pumpkins on each side of the front door, so of course we had to have pumpkins that looks exactly the same for both sides. I was beginning to think that pumpkins were like snow flakes and no two were the same, but after very close inspection I think we found the perfect ones. I'll show you a picture soon and you can be the judge.
Due to the slowness of me picking pumpkins, we were just a tad bit late to the birthday party. Glad we didn't miss the cake cutting because it was so lovely! I would have been sad if I hadn't been able to see this creation before it was cut. The creation came from LaBonne Bouchee and was as delicious tasting as it looked. This particular cake was their strawberry Mousseline cake which consists of yellow cake layered with vanilla mousse and strawberry slices, iced in white buttercream, sliced almonds and then topped with fresh fruit. Oh my word was it good!
We toasted the birthday girl with sparkling grape peach juice. Yum! It was simply delightful.
The party was definitely a success! It was so special to be invited and I'm so thankful Eric and I were able to attend. Happy birthday Karen!
From the birthday party, we headed to the theater to see The Intern. Eric and I both thought it was a great movie. Did you get a chance to see it this weekend? If not, you should add it to your list. Any movie that can make me cry and laugh is a winner in my book!
Speaking of book, I've had The Girl Who Chased The Moon on my reading list for a while. It's on sale right now on Amazon for only $1.99. If it's on your reading list too and you haven't purchased it, not might be a great time to snag this deal.
Thanks for stopping by today to check out my weekend. Hope you had a wonderful weekend. We're having dinner with Eric's mom tonight and I'm looking forward to catching up with her. Who knows what other fun things might come up this week. I'm looking forward to seeing what comes my way.
Check out what others were up to this weekend.
More Pieces of Me
Bella and the City
Oak and Oats
A Cute Angle
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Tuesday Talk
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Bella and the City
Oak and Oats
A Cute Angle
The Quinntessential Mommy
How To Get Organized At Home
Tuesday Talk
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