Penny's Passion: Giggles and Adventures 2024

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Giggles and Adventures 2024

Hello!  Thanks for stopping by Thinking Out Loud Thursday where I share something I'm thinking about and invite you to link up and do the same.  Today all my thoughts are on the upcoming visit of my niece and nephews! 

I'm scooping up my niece and three nephews this week and bringing them to my house for a few days.  Our house will basically be taken over by three eight-year-olds and a five-year-old!  And we love it!  This year I decided to mail each of the kiddos a list of possible activities and they got to vote on their top five things they would like to do.  I also asked them to tell me three foods they would eat.  Just for fun, the letter also had a sheet of scratch-and-sniff stickers tucked inside!

The next few days are going to be action-packed for us!  There were many items on the list for them to choose from and only one item got votes from all four kids.  The goal is to check off all the items that got votes.  Here are the activities we'll be working to check off the list ~

Visit 6 Playgrounds
Go to Build-A-Bear
Visit Splash Pads
Play Putt Putt Golf
Hike a Nature Trail
Go to a Movie
Go to Sky Zone
Go to the Zoo
Go to Chuck E Cheese
Feed the fish
Swim at Ian and Kayla's House
Go to breakfast at I-Hop

Setting the table for their arrival is always a fun chore for me!  Here's what will be greeting the kids when they arrive ~

There's a basket for each child and I've tried to keep things color-coordinated.  I've found that cuts down on some of the bickering on which thing belongs to which kid.  

One of the activities is feeding the fish in our neighborhood ponds.  Each basket has a bag of food we'll take to the water with us.  It's pre-divided and everyone can carry their own.  

I'll be sharing some of our activities on Instagram.  Follow me at PennysPassion for all the fun!

Now it's your turn - what are you thinking out loud about today?  Link up and share!


  1. Sounds like you're all going to have a blast! Enjoy! Those baskets are such a wonderful idea. 😊

  2. I bet they love coming over to your house!

  3. Panny, thanks so much for hosting! Melynda @scratchmadefood!

  4. WOW, those kiddos will have a fun time and enjoy every moment.
    Thanks, Penny, for hosting and having me over weekly.
    My entries this week are numbered #22+23
    Please join and share your posts with us

  5. That sounds the best most exhausting fun time for everyone! They are going to love it and you are all going to love the memories!

  6. Thanks for hosting a FABULOUS linky party every week, Penny!
    Don't forget to join us over at the Creatively Crafty Linky Party every Wednesday through Sunday
    Followed and Pinned!
    Creatively, Beth
