Penny's Passion: Thinking Out Loud Thursday - March 26, 2020

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Thinking Out Loud Thursday - March 26, 2020

Hello!  Welcome to Thinking Out Loud Thursday.  Yes, it's Thursday.  I've been working from home since Tuesday and it's been an interesting adjustment.  Today I'm thinking out loud about some of the things I've been doing.

Thank heavens for Zoom!  I've connected with my friend Linda a couple times on Zoom and it's just great to see her face.  Tonight a couple other friends and I had a chat and it's so refreshing to connect.  What are you doing to stay connected to friends?

Reality hit me today that I would not be seeing my family at Easter.  I did a little online shopping through Amazon to get a few things for the kids.  Then another reality hit - not all Amazon items are shipping or being delivered with their usual speed.  I'm not complaining - they are doing their very best to get essential items delivered promptly.  I'm just reminding you that if you're a procrastinator like me, you might need to plan ahead a bit more than you're used to.  :)

Speaking of the kids in my family, today I sent each of them a letter.  A real, snail mail, letter.

The letter was written on a piece of cardstock and then I ran it through my Silhouette making it into a puzzle.  In a few days, the kids will get their envelope full of pieces and when they put them together they will see the note from me.  I've requested a small favor from each of them - write me a letter, send me a picture of themselves, color me a picture.   Hope they enjoy getting them and doing the favor I've asked of them.

I filled out our census information online this week.  The paperwork had been traveling back and forth to work with me for a week or so.  It felt good to cross that task off my list.  Have you filled yours out yet?  

I'll be back tomorrow with Friday Favorites Linky Party and Five on Friday.  Friday Favorites Linky Party is always full of links that give you new recipes and craft projects to try.  If you're looking for some new things to try during this slowed down time, pop in and check out the links.

Now it's your turn to share what you're thinking out loud about today.  Can't wait to hear from you!


  1. Thanks so much for hosting! I’m linking up today with WEED APPRECIATION DAY and WHAT WAS IT? (ANIMAL PROMPT 75 WORDS).

  2. You're doing an amazing job being productive and positive.

  3. I am learning all about Zoom in a hurry,it has been a crash course for me.

  4. My husband was just asking me "what is Zoom?" I bet they'll be so happy to receive some "fun" mail. I thought of sending a few cards out just to cheer people up.

  5. Oooh that puzzle thing is a great idea!
