Penny's Passion: Five on Friday - January 14, 2022

Friday, January 14, 2022

Five on Friday - January 14, 2022

Happy Friday!  Can you believe we are 14 days into 2022?  I've had a bit of a slow start to the year, but hopefully, I can get it together soon before the year is half over!  I did pull together a post for today, so here's my five for today...

1.  National Bagel Day
Wondering what to have for breakfast tomorrow.  Have a bagel to celebrate National Bagel Day!  And add some pizzazz with your favorite schmear.   I might even double up and have a sandwich for lunch on a bagel!  

2.  New Girl Scout Cookie
Have you heard it's Girl Scout Cookie season?  We've placed our order and are excited to try their new cookie - Adventurefuls!  The description makes my mouth water - Indulgent brownie-inspired cookies topped with caramel flavored creme with a hint of sea salt.  If you don't know a Girl Scout to buy cookies from, go HERE to get yours.  
Dave Ramsey's new book came out this week.  How many of us have New Year's resolutions around saving money and gaining wealth?  This book might be the guidebook to help.  Here's the description from Amazon ~
You Can Baby Step Your Way to Becoming a Millionaire

Most people know Dave Ramsey as the guy who did stupid with a lot of zeros on the end. He made his first million in his twenties—the wrong way—and then went bankrupt. That’s when he set out to learn God’s ways of managing money and developed the Ramsey Baby Steps. Following these steps, Dave became a millionaire again—this time the right way.

After three decades of guiding millions of others through the plan, the evidence is undeniable: if you follow the Baby Steps, you will become a millionaire and get to live and give like no one else.

In Baby Steps Millionaires, you will . . .
Take a deeper look at Baby Step 4 to learn how Dave invests and builds wealth
Learn how to bust through the barriers preventing them from becoming a millionaire
Hear true stories from ordinary people who dug themselves out of debt and built wealth
Discover how anyone can become a millionaire, especially youBaby Steps Millionaires isn’t a book that tells the secrets of the rich. It doesn't teach complicated financial concepts reserved only for the elite. As a matter of fact, this information is straightforward, practical, and maybe even a little boring. But the life you'll lead if you follow the Baby Steps is anything but boring! You don’t need a large inheritance or the winning lottery number to become a millionaire. Anyone can do it—even today. For those who are ready, it’s game on!

This week I ordered a couple new puzzles for me and Eric to do.  As soon as I clear away our Christmas decorations that are still on the table (yes, I still have Christmas decorations everywhere!), this puzzle will begin.  We started doing puzzles during the pandemic and found we loved them!  It's a fun winter activity that helps pass the time until Spring gets here.

5.  Sometimes this happens...

This weekend I'm willing myself to get my act together and finally take down our Christmas decorations.  There are some fun things I'm looking forward to doing - we're having dinner with our son and daughter-in-law, I'm getting together with a group of girlfriends and we're going to a football watch party.  Good stuff!  Hope your weekend is wonderful and I'll see you back next week.


  1. I with you on the Christmas decorations. I need to will myself to take mine down, too! LOL

  2. The new Girl Scout cookie looks deliciously decadent!

  3. I've tried the new Girl Scout cookies, since my niece in Maryland sells them in the fall. They weren't bad. I love doing puzzles too, especially in the winter and on snow days! Have a great weekend!

  4. Those new girl scout cookies sound fabulous! I love that puzzle too; I just got one for Christmas that I am anxious to start this week.

  5. I enjoyed a good puzzle over the holidays as well. Good luck getting everything put away and starting on something new. #HomeMattersParty
