Penny's Passion: Five on Friday - June 7, 2024

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Five on Friday - June 7, 2024

Happy Friday!  Hope your June is off to a great start.  Glad you popped in today to see what my five things are.  

1.  National Doughnut Day
Today is a day I can get behind - it's National Doughnut Day!  A doughnut is like a magical ring of joy that can instantly brighten your day! Imagine a golden halo of deliciousness, crispy on the outside and fluffy on the inside, just waiting to be devoured.  This national day has an interesting origin.  It honors the Salvation Army Lassies.  What are the Salvation Army Lassies you ask?  They are the women who served doughnuts to soldiers during World War 1.  Even more of a reason to celebrate today!

2. Late Bloomers
I'm hoping this movie gets to our theaters soon because it looks adorable!  It opens today and is going on my list of movies I want to see.  Here's the summary ~
Louise (Karen Gillan), a 28-year-old Brooklynite adrift in life, finds herself suddenly single and grappling with her identity as a musician. While she struggles with her underlying depression, a reckless drunken stumble lands her with a broken hip, and leads to a stint in a physical therapy ward with patients twice her age. Here, she crosses paths with Antonina (Margaret Sophie Stein), a cantankerous elderly Polish woman who speaks no English. Reluctantly, Louise takes on the role of Antonina's caregiver, a situation neither of them welcomes. As they navigate their begrudging relationship, they confront the realities of aging, forcing Louise to consider her own journey into adulthood.

3.  Swan Song by Elin Hilderbrand
Just in time for your summer reading pleasure, Elin Hilderbrand's newest book is hitting the stands.  Elin Hilderbrand has brought us great reads like Five Star Weekend and Hotel Nantucket.  Swan Song is being released on Tuesday so get it added to your cart and you'll have it the minute it's out.  Here's the summary ~
Chief of Police Ed Kapenash is about to retire. Blond Sharon is going through a divorce. But when a 22-million-dollar summer home is purchased by the mysterious Richardsons—how did they make their money, exactly?—Ed, Sharon, and everyone in the community are swept up in high drama. The Richardsons throw lavish parties, flirt with multiple locals, flaunt their wealth with not one but two yachts, and raise impossible hopes of everyone they meet. When their house burns to the ground and their most essential employee goes missing, the entire island is up in arms.

The last of Elin Hilderbrand's bestselling Nantucket novels, Swan Song is a propulsive medley of glittering gatherings, sun-soaked drama, wisdom and heart, featuring the return of some of her most beloved characters, including, most importantly, the beautiful and timeless island of Nantucket itself.

4.  Bonine
If you've read my blog for any length of time, you probably have heard me talk about Bonine.  It is my go-to saving grace for motion sickness.  It doesn't make me drowsy and it's good for 24 hours.  I keep it in my purse, in the car, and in my carry-on bag.  If you are thinking about taking a road trip this year, you might want to have some on hand!  I used to never get car sick.  Then out of the blue a few years ago it hit me.  Be ready!  It's good for anyone 12 years and older.

5.  Just sayin'...

Enjoy the weekend!  We have a fabulous weekend ahead with several fun things on the agenda.  I can't wait to get it started!  See you next week. 


  1. Ohh! Doughnuts are one of my favourite sweet treats! I had no idea about the origin of National Doughnut Day, you learn something new every day!

  2. I can't wait for my copy of Swan Song to come in; I am a bit sad to know it's her last Nantucket novel though.
