Penny's Passion: What We Did in June 2024

Saturday, June 29, 2024

What We Did in June 2024

Hello there!  It's been a hot minute since I wrote a Weekending post.  Frankly, it's just been too much to sit down on a Sunday night and put a post together.  But...I am sad that all the fun things we do on the weekends haven't been recorded.  So my thought is I'll put together a monthly post so we'll be able to look back at the fun things we did!  Here's what went down in June ~

On the first weekend of the month, we had dinner with some friends Eric knew from high school. It's always great to see them! We always promise to get together more often, but then it ends up being years before we reconnect. I really hope this time is different!

I've been working hard trying to get our new hydrangeas to be blue.  Keeping them alive and blooming was step 1.  Now it's on to their color!  I bought some fertilizer that is supposed to help turn the blooms blue.  I've also read that putting crushed egg shells and coffee grounds will help.  We will see!

James Taylor was in town, and we spent an evening with good friends listening to his performance. The weather was perfect for an outdoor concert! Despite his age, his voice is still good. It was so much fun singing along to all our favorite songs!

The second weekend we got together for dinner with some friends who had just returned from a fabulous trip to Italy.  We couldn't wait to see their pictures and hear their stories!  Gosh, I love Italy!  Someday we will definitely revisit, but until then it's fun living vicariously through our friends!  Their daughter put together an awesome charcuterie board for us to enjoy while we sipped a bottle of wine they had shipped home from their trip.  It was a lovely evening!

We celebrated Father's Day at our son and daughter-in-law's house.  It was a relaxing day spent staying cool in their pool.  Kayla made a wonderful sangria that I hope to blog about soon!  

Every year we try to make it to at least one of our nephew's baseball games.  I so wish we lived a little closer so we could make it more of the kids' activities!  But we were grateful to be able to see him play at least once!

My friend Sherri invited us to visit her to see her new-to-her home and we couldn't wait to get there!  Her new hometown, Monticello, is so charming!  Friday night we walked up to the square and had dinner outside.  

The weekend we visited was the annual rodeo, complete with a rodeo parade.  The parade went right be her house, which meant we got to sit on her porch and watch it go by.  Have you ever seen the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile?  It was in the parade!

After the parade, we ventured back up to the square to do a little retail therapy.  We bought enough that we had to send Eric for the car because we couldn't carry everything home!  

In the evening we headed for the rodeo, which proved to be quite captivating!  There is no way I could do half of what those cowboys do!  

The St. Louis Cardinals started the season pretty rocky this year, but they are making a comeback!  We caught a game and got to see a winner.  Even if they had lost, it was fun hanging out with our son and daughter-in-law!

I wrapped up the month by attending an author event at the new St. Louis County Library.  Have you heard of the Friends and Fiction group of authors?  It consists of Kristy Woodson Harvey, Mary Kay Andrews, Kristin Harmel, and Patti Callahan Henry.  They host a weekly podcast and have a fabulous Facebook group.  I have gotten so many book recommendations from the Facebook group!

Kristy Woodson Harvey has a new book out titled A Happier Life.  My friend, Peggy, and I enjoyed listening to the ladies talk about the book and about themselves.  I got a copy of the book and I can't wait to dive in!

We topped off the evening by getting her new book signed!

And that's a wrap in June!  Half the year is over.  I'm ready to dig in and make the second half fantastic!

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